
Publication details [#969]

Gentzler, Edwin. 2003. Interdisciplinary connections. Perspectives 11 (1) : 11–24.


Traditionally, translation theory has developed as a by-product of research in descriptive studies and has been very predictable, of the form "if X then the greater/the lesser the likelihood that Y." In more recent years, translation theory has enjoyed an explosion of new insights, informed by scholars from other disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, anthropology, feminism, and postcolonial studies. In addition, the practice branch of Translation Studies has blossomed with creative new ideas, informed by interaction with scholars from business, information technology, communication and media studies, and cultural studies. In the future, the author suggests that before making any formulaic generalizatians, Translation Studies scholars remain open to interdisciplinary ideas. Reciprocally, he also suggests that scholars from other fields engage in a dialogue with Translation Studies scholars. As Translation Studies scholars have taken the 'interdisciplinary turn, ' so too do scholars from other fields need to take the 'translation turn.
Source : Based on abstract in journal