Publication details [#9760]
Meylaerts, Reine. 1994. The constructon of a bi-cultural society: institutional aspects of translation in Belgium between the two world wars. In Králová, Jana and Zuzana Jettmarová, eds. Translation strategies and effects in cross-cultural value transfer and shifts. Special issue of Folia Translatologica. International Series of Translation Studies 3: 63–74.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Person as a subject
Edition info
Special Issue.
The present paper aims at providing an insight into the role translations have played in the functioning and stratification both of the Belgian francophone literary system and a certain part of Belgian francophone cultural and socio-political discourse in the period between the two world wars. Some basic theoretical conceptions - developed by Even-Zohar, Toury, Lambert, Hermans, Robyns e.a. - underline this investigation.
Source : Abstract in journal