Publication details [#9793]
Graça Krieger, Maria da, ed. 1996. Traduction et terminologie au Brésil [Translation and terminology in Brasil]. Special issue of Meta 41 (2) 108 pp.
Publication type
Special issue
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Montreal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal
This volume of Meta collects some works of Brazilian researchers in the domain of translation, terminology, and lexicography. This special issue offers a representative overview of subjects, propositions, and methodologies which are at the centre of research and practice in the above-mentioned domains in Brazil.
Source : K. Foelen
Articles in this volume
Laranjeira, Mario. Sens et signifiance dans la traduction poétique [Sense and significance of the translation of poetry]. 217–222
Faulstich, Enilde. Spécificités linguistiques de la lexicologie et de la terminologie: nature épistémologique [Linguistic aspects of lexicology and terminology: episthemological nature]. 237–246
Alves, Fabio. Un projet terminologique: l'observatoire de néologismes, scientifiques et techniques du portugais du Brésil [A terminological project: the observatory of scientific and technical neologisms in Brazilian Portuguese]. 255–258
Graça Krieger, Maria da, Anna Maria Becker Maciel, Cleci Regina Bevilacqua, Maria Lucia Lorenci, Teresinha O. Favero and Marília R. de Oliveira. Environmental law dictionary: from theory to practice. 259–264
Barbosa, María Aparecida. Réflexions sémantiques sur l'article dans l'oeuvre lexicographique [Semantic reflections on the article in lexicographical works]. 265–274