
Publication details [#9880]

Brede, Maija. 2003. How important is it to be earnest in translating discourse markers? In Veisbergs, Andrejs, ed. The third Riga symposium on pragmatic aspects of translation. Riga: University of Latvia. pp. 15–26.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


One of the language properties involves expressing cultural reality. In different languages there are certain ways to structure genres of discourse. Spoken genres and their representation in the written form employ discourse markers like conjunctions, interjections and comment phrases. Speakers do not always use discourse markers for the purpose of expressing their propositional meaning. Discourse markers exhibit mulitiple roles: they signal textual relations and indicate the speakers' attitudes towards the speech situation. Discourse markers play an important role in cooperative interaction following the idea that people involved in conversation cooperate in conversational partners, and also help recognise a conversational implicature. The present paper looks at a translation of an English literary work (J. Fowles' The Magus) into Latvian (translators K. Tilberga and N. Pukjans) from the point of view of the discourse markers' role and their correspondence in the source language and the target language. The approach is based on a broad definiton of what discourse markers are. Samples of stretches of speech (conversational fragments) containing discourse markers in the source language and their interpretation in the target language are given.
Source : Based on abstract in book