Publication details [#9946]
Zatlin, Phyllis. 2005. Theatrical translation and film adaptation: a practitioner’s view (Topics in Translation 29). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. xii + 222 pp.
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Edition info
Also reviewed in: Jeremy Munday (2007). “Translation Studies”. #Years Work Critical and Cultural Theory# 15 (1): 203-216.
Most commentaries on translation have focused on narrative and poetry. This book gives centre stage to theatre and to theatrical translators. Phyllis Zatlin bases her observations and practical suggestions not only on previous published studies and her own experience as a translator to English from Spanish and French, but also on responses to questionnaires from theatrical translators in several countries who work in a variety of language pairs.Translation and film adaptation of theatre have received little study. In filling that gap, this book draws on the experiences of theatrical translators and on movie versions of plays from various countries. It also offers insights into such concerns as the translation of bilingual plays and the choice between subtitling and dubbing of film.
Source : Publisher information