
Publication details [#9960]

Gómez López, Elisa. 1998. O campo semántico dos animais na fraseoloxía galega, española, inglesa e francesa: estudio comparativo [The semantic field of animals in Galician, Spanish, English and French phraseology: a comparative study]. ViceVersa 4 : 79–101. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The object of this article is a type of phraseological unit, namely expressions. The aim of the study is three-fold: 1) to analyse the importance of the semantic field of animals in the phraseological creation of languages and more specifically in expressions; 2) to prove that phraseology is one of the most difficult aspects of language to translate; 3) to contribute to the creation of an auxiliary tool for translators of Galician and other languages so that they can introduce a phraseology in their work which is not dependent of Spanish and has complete sociocultural connotations.
Source : P. Van Mulken