Computer-mediated communication

Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Table of contents

Academic studies of computer-mediated communication (henceforth CMC) are currently flourishing in a variety of social science disciplines. Within the broad linguistic areas of discourse studies and pragmatics alone, the range of topics and methodologies, as well as the pace of advances can only be rivaled by the rapid changes in the ever-growing medium itself. Research fascination with human-to-human interaction via computer networks such as the Internet cannot but be related to the fact that, particularly in the last decade, this type of interaction has taken the world of communication by storm, thus by now having secured a legitimate place for itself next to the older and well-established forms of mediated communication (e.g. telephone, television). As a result, it is hardly an exaggeration to claim that CMC has truly revolutionized social interaction, at least in technologically advanced societies.

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