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In a celebrated text, Lévi-Strauss (1958: 306) delineated the object of the structural sciences as “those phenomena which display the features of a system”, i.e. each complex from which one element cannot be modified without causing modifications in all other elements. As their instrument, he proposed the construction of models.
Apresjan, J.D.
Benveniste, E.
Bloomfield, L.
Dressler, W.
Von Humboldt, W.
Jakobson, R.
Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C.
Longacre, R.
1972 Hierarchy and universality of discourse constituents in New Guinea languages. Georgetown University Press. BoP
Longacre, R. & F. Woods
Martinet, A.
Robins, R.H.
Sapir, E.
Vachek, J.
Ullmann, S.
Weinreich, U.
1963 On the semantic structure of language. In J. Greenberg (ed.) Universals of language: 142–216. MIT Press. BoP