Jakobson was one of the dominant figures representing the theory of language in the 20th century. Together with Trubetzkoy, he developed a new orientation in dealing with the problems of natural language, especially its sound structure, essentially by enriching the conceptual framework of phonology. Jakobson’s particular emphasis in this endeavour concerned the nature of distinctive features as the minimal elements of phonological structure. Extending the structuralist approach to problems of the linguistic content, Jakobson made ground-breaking contributions to morphology as the framework of grammatical structure, notably with regard to the theory of Case, and by rethinking the traditional verbal categories. A further breakthrough resulted from his application of basic linguistic principles to the analysis of data from aphasia. Linguistic insights were also the guideline in his fascinating analyses of poetry, taking the poetic function of language as one of its integrated aspects. Arguing against Saussure’s principle of arbitrariness of the sound-meaning relation of language, Jakobson finally came very close to establishing the combinatorial principle as the essence of language.
[SW = Selected Writings of Roman Jakobson, Volumes I–III – see below]
Bühler, Karl
1934Sprachtheorie. Jena: Gustav Fischer
Halle, Morris and Alec Marantz
1993 “Distributed morphology and the pieces of Inflection.” In The View from Building 20. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Jakobson, Roman
1932“Zur Struktur des russischen Verbums.“ In Charisteria Gulielmo Mathesio quinquagenario. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1936 “Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre.“ TCLP VI. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1941 “Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze.“ Reprinted in SW I.
Jakobson, Roman
1948 “Russian conjugation.” Word 4. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1957 “Shifters, verbal categories, and the Russian verb.” Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1960 “Closing statement: Linguistics and poetics.” In Style in Language, ed. by Thomas Sebeok, 350–377. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Reprinted in SW III.
Jakobson, Roman
1962Selected Writings, Volume I. The Hague: Mouton.
Jakobson, Roman
1963 “Toward a linguistic classification of aphasic impairments.” In
Ciba Foundation Symposium on Disorders of Language
, London. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1965 “Quest for the essence of language.” Diogenes 13(51): 21–37. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1970 “Language in relation to other communication systems.” In Linguaggi nella società e nella tecnica. Milan: Communità. Reprinted in SW II.
Jakobson, Roman
1971Selected Writings, Volume II. The Hague: Mouton.
Jakobson, Roman
1981Selected Writings, Volume III. The Hague: Mouton.
Jakobson, Roman, Gunnar Fant and Morris Halle
1952Preliminaries to Speech Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Luria, Aleksandr R.
1962Vysšie korkovye funcii čeloveka. Moscow: University Publishing House.
Peirce, Charles S.
1894 “Grand logic, the art of reasoning, Chapter II: What is a Sign.” Reprinted 1974–1979, in Collected Papers (2.281), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Saussure, Ferdinand de
1916Cours de Linguistique Générale. Paris : Payot.
Trubetzkoy, Nikolaj S.
1939Grundzüge der Phonologie. TCLP VII. Reprinted 1962, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.