The work of the American linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir (1884–1939) is characterized by its impressive many-sidedness. Besides linguistic and anthropological topics Sapir wrote extensively about such diverse subjects as psychiatry, literature and music. In a certain way his oeuvre is fragmentary. He has written only one book, Language, in 1921, but many articles and essays (see Mandelbaum 1949).
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Cowan, W., M.K. Foster & K. Koerner
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Darnell, R.
1986aPersonality and culture: the fate of the Sapirian alternative. In G.W. Stocking Jr. (ed.): 156–183.
Darnell, R.
1986bThe emergence of Edward Sapir’s mature thought. In W. Cowanet al. (eds.): 553–588.
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1990Edward Sapir: linguist, anthropologist, humanist. University of California Press. BoP
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Drechsler, E.J.
1988Wilhelm von Humboldt and Edward Sapir: analogies and homologies in their linguistic thoughts. In W. Shipley (ed.) In honor of Mary Haas: 225–264. Mouton de Gruyter.
Erickson, J., M. Gymnich & A. Nünning
1997Wilhelm von Humboldt, Edward Sapir, and the constructivist framework. Historiographia Linguistica XXIV(3): 285–306.
Gumperz, J.J.
1982Discourse strategies. Cambridge University Press.
Handler, R.
1983The dainty and the hungry man: literature and anthropology in the work of Edward Sapir. In G.W. StockingJr. (ed.): 208–231.
Handler, R.
1986aVigorous male and aspiring female: poetry, personality, and culture in Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict. In G.W. Stocking Jr. (ed.): 127–153.
Handler, R.
1986bThe aesthetics of Sapir’s Language. In W. Cowanet al. (eds.): 433–454.
Hanks, W.F.
1989Text and textuality. Annual Review of Anthropology 18: 95–127.
Harris, Z.S.
1984 [1951]Review of Selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture and personality. In D.G. Mandelbaum. In K. Koerner (ed.): 69–114.
Hymes, D.H.
1974Foundations in sociolinguistics: an ethnographic approach. University of Pennsylvania Press.
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1983Linguistic method in ethnography: its development in the United States. In Essays in the history of linguistic anthropology: 135–244. John Benjamins.
Hymes, D.H. & J. Fought
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Irvine, J.
(ed.)1994Edward Sapir: the psychology of culture. A course of lectures. Mouton de Gruyter.
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(ed.)1984Edward Sapir: appraisals of his life and work. John Benjamins.
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1990Wilhelm von Humboldt and North American ethnolinguistics: Boas (1894) to Hymes (1961). Historiographia Linguistica XVII 1(2): 111–128.
Krauss, M.E.
1986Edward Sapir and Athabaskan linguistics, with preliminary annotated bibliography of Sapir’s work on Athabaskan and Na-Dene. In: W. Cowanet al. (eds.): 147–190.
Leeds-Hurwitz, W. & J.M. Nyce
1986Linguistic text collection and the development of life history in the work of Edward Sapir. In W. Cowanet al. (eds.): 495–532.
Lucy, J.
1991Reflexive language: reported speech and metapragmatics. Cambridge University Press. BoP
Mandelbaum, D.G.
(ed.)1949Selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture and personality. University of California Press. BoP
Sapir, E.
1916Time perspective in aboriginal American culture: a study in method. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.)(1949): 389–462.
Sapir, E.
1917aDo we need a ‘superorganic’?American Anthropologist 19: 441–447.
Sapir, E.
1917bThe twilight of rhyme. Dial 63: 98–100.
Sapir, E.
1917cRealism in prose fiction. Dial 63: 503–506.
Sapir, E.
1921Language: an introduction to the study of speech. Hartcourt Brace. BoP
Sapir, E.
1922The Takelma language of southwestern Oregon. In F. Boas (ed.), pt. 2: 1–296.
Sapir, E.
1924aCulture, genuine and spurious. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 308–331.
Sapir, E.
1924bThe grammarian and his language. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 150–159.
Sapir, E.
1925Sound patterns in language. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 33–45.
Sapir, E.
1927The unconscious paterning of behavior in society. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 544–559.
Sapir, E.
1929The status of linguistics as a science. In D.G. Mandelbaum: 160–166. BoP
Sapir, E.
1932Cultural anthropology and psychiatry. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 509–521.
Sapir, E.
1933aLanguage. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 7–32. BoP
Sapir, E.
1933bThe psychological reality of phonemes. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 46–60.
Sapir, E.
1934The emergence of the concept of personality in a study of cultures. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 590–597.
Sapir, E.
1939Psychiatric and cultural pittfalls in the business of getting a living. In D.G. Mandelbaum (ed.): 578–589.
Schultz, E.A.
1990Dialogue at the margin: Whorf, Bakhtin and linguistic relativity. The University of Wisconsin Press.
Silverstein, M.
1986The diachrony of Sapir’s linguistic description; or, Sapir’s ‘cosmographical’ linguistics. In W. Cowanet al. (eds.): 67–110.
Silverstein, M.
1991Problems of Sapir historiography. Historiographia Linguistica XVIII(1): 181–204.
Silverstein, M. & G. Urban
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