The past two to three decades have seen several studies which have struggled to establish a distinction between various kinds of texts on the basis of structural (linguistic) and/or functional (communicative) criteria. The shared ambition of these studies has been dual: i) to develop an overall typology of texts, and ii) to provide a theoretical and empirical foundation for comparative discourse research. These efforts have been closely connected with the rising interest in text linguistics and discourse analysis especially since the beginning of the 70s.
Adam, J-M.
1985Quels types de texte?Le français dans le monde 192: 39–43.
Adam, J.-M.
1992Lex textes: types et prototypes. Nathan.
De Beaugrande, R. & W. Dressler
1981Introduction to text linguistics. Longman.
Biber, D.
1988Variation across speech and writing. Cambridge University Press. BoP
Biber, D.
1989A typology of English texts. Linguistics 27: 23–43.
1960Closing statements: Linguistics and poetics. In T.A. Seboek (ed.). Style in language: 350–377. The MIT Press.
Kinneavy, J.L.
1971A theory of discourse. The aims of discourse. Prentice-Hall.
Longacre, R.E.
1982Discourse typology in relation to language typology. In S. Allén (ed.) Text processing. Text analysis and generation.Text typology and attribution. Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 51: 457–497. Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Longacre, R.E.
1983The Grammar of Discourse. Plenum Press.
Morris, C.
1946Signs, language and behaviour.
Reiss, K.
1989Textsortenkonventionen und Übersetzen. Hermes. Journal of Linguistics 2: 37–54.
Virtanen, T.
1992Issues of text typpology: Narrative – a ‘basic’ type of text. Text 12(2): 293–310.