
Publication details [#10352]

Stepien, Maciej Adam. 2007. Metáfora y metonimia conceptual en la fraseología de cinco partes del cuerpo en español y polaco. Theatre Arts 30 : 391–409. 19 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


The article deals with a comparative study of Spanish and Polish phraseological units which contain a human body word. A proposal of classification upon the framework of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory is offered from five human body words: mouth, face, hand, eye and foot. The paper aims at casting some light on the motivation and idiomacity of the phraseological units mentioned above and points to some further application in translation. The differences between the form and the meaning of the expressions in the two languages make the identification of the underlying cognitive relationship (metaphor or metonymy) difficult. The study of the motivation of meaning may be very useful in translation. A cognitive classification of phraseological units has been given to serve as a guideline in the translation of body-part phraseological units. (Begoña Casasnovas Gil, Ruiz de Mendoza Group)