Publication details [#10370]
Sticht, Thomas G. 1993. Educational uses of metaphor. In Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. Metaphor and thought: The state of the art. In : 3–16. : 621–632. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Cambridge , UK: Cambridge University Press
Thomas G. Sticht, in 'Educational uses of metaphor' (slightly changed with respect to the 1979 text), intends to follow Petrie and Oshlag (1979, 1994) and to extend their approach, considering educational uses of metaphor as tools for thought and communication. In fact, as regards communication, Sticht believes, "the tool function of metaphor is to extend the capacity of active memory using the medium of speech" [p.622]; while "the function of metaphor as a tool for thought ... is to extend our capacities for perceiving relationships in the perceptual domain to the conceiving of relationships in the conceptual domain" [p.627].
(Elisabetta Gola)