
Publication details [#1073]

Van Parys, Hanna. 2013. Micro-analysis of a therapist-generated metaphor referring to the position of a parentified child in the family. Journal of Family Therapy 35 (1) : 89–113. 25 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
The Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice


This exploratory study concerns the use of metaphorical language during psychotherapy sessions. The authors first report on a previous analysis and categorization of metaphors as they emerged in twelve sessions with one client. Then the focus shifts to the examination of one particular metaphoric image, that of the fireman in the family. It is shown how the use of images and metaphoric expressions create a dialogic space during the session that makes it possible for the client to speak about parentification and its consequences in terms of worries and loneliness.