
Publication details [#11361]

Wildman, Wesley J. 1999. Strategic mechanisms within religious symbol systems In Boeve, Lieven and Kurt Feyaerts. Metaphor and Godtalk (Religions and Discourse 2). Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. pp. 273–292. 20 pp.
Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers


In his analysis of the Bhagavad-Gita, Pseudo-Dionysius, Huston Smith and Paul Tillich, Wesley J. Wildman (Boston University, U.S.A.) also discusses possible strategic uses of metaphors in religious symbol systems. Specifically, the description concentrates on the tension between families of personal and impersonal metaphors and the use of different strategic metaphors for regulating this tension. Referring to these four symbolic systems, Wildman identifies four different strategies, which can be labelled the perspectival, the paradoxical, the subordinationist and the integrationist strategy. (Kurt Feyaerts and Lieven Boeve)