
Publication details [#11572]

Zanotto, Mara Sophia, Maria Isabel Asperti Nardi and Solange Coelho Vereza. 2006. Essays on Metaphor in Language and Thought. Special issue of Papers on Language and Literature 22 xv, 171 pp. URL


In October of 2002, a group of researchers and students met at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP – (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil) for the Conference on Metaphor in Language and Thought, promoted by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem (Post-Graduate Programme in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies) and by GEIM – Grupo de Estudos da Indeterminação e da Metáfora (Group of Studies on Indeterminacy and Metaphor). The essays in this book are revised versions of papers presented in the conference which resulted in two other publications under preparation. The first, entitled "Confronting Metaphor in Use: An Applied Linguistic Approach", is being organized by Mara Sophia Zanotto (PUC-SP), Lynne Cameron (Univ. of Leeds) and Marilda Cavalcanti (UNICAMP), and the second, entitled "Metaphor in Applied Linguistics"(provisional title), is being organized by Mara Sophia Zanotto (PUC-SP), Solange Coelho Vereza (UFF) and Maria Isabel Asperti Nardi (UNESP-Marília), the same editors of the present volume. (Mara Sophia Zanotto, Maria Isabel Asperti Nardi and Solange Coelho Vereza)