
Publication details [#1927]

Arrazola, Xabier H. and K. Korta. 1998. Discourse, Interaction, and Communication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (International Colloquium on Cognitive Science 1995 San Sebastian) (Philosophical Studies Series 72). Dordrecht: Kluwer. 187 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language


Presents a small but representative sample of the main papers considered at the May 1995 colloquium, which focused on four themes: social action and cooperation, cognitive approaches in discourse processing, models of information in communication systems, and the scope and limits of cognitive simulation. Papers range from the extremely abstract to the extremely specific. Among the topics: contextual domains; formal semantics, geometry, and mind; collective goals and cooperation; a logical approach to reasoning about uncertainty; and building a collaborative interface agent. (Annotation copyright Book News Inc., Portland, OR)