
Publication details [#19627513]

Joshi, Pradnya and Ann Kronrod. 2020. Sounds of Green: How Brand Name Sounds Metaphorically Convey Environmental Friendliness. Journal of Advertising 49 (1) : 61–77.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Conveying the environmental friendliness of a product is both crucial and challenging. One efficient way to overcome this challenge is by using brand names as a way to signal environmental friendliness. Linking research in sound symbolism and metaphor cognition, the current research suggests that silent consonants in brand names (e.g., Etopal), compared to voiced consonants (e.g., Edopal), are more effective in conveying environmental friendliness. A series of four studies conducted online and in the field show that brands with silent consonants are perceived as more environmentally friendly than voiced brand names because silent consonants in brand names convey human characteristics that are metaphorically associated with environmental friendliness (e.g., good-heartedness, humility). Marketing implications for green product branding and directions for future research are discussed.