Publication details [#3136]
Caballero, Rosario. 2001. Understanding is seeing: A discourse perspective on image metaphor. Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 27-28 : 81–102. 22 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
This paper examines the role of a specific type of metaphor, known as image metaphor, in the genre of building reviews. Elaborating on earlier research on the topic (Caballero 2001), the author presents a description of the grammatical patterns in which these image metaphors are realised, and explores the way in which they contribute to fulfil the rhetoric goals of this genre. The first part of the paper makes an exhaustive description of the different lexico-grammatical patterns that linguistically instantiate the image metaphors under scrutiny (e.g. nominal head post-modified by a prepositional group introduced by 'of': 'A long slash of glazing provides glimpses to the interior'). The second part of the paper focuses on the function of image metaphor in this genre, and the author explains how these metaphors meet the ideational, textual, and interpersonal demands of the genre, as well as the descriptive goal of texts of this kind.
(Noelia Jiménez Martínez-Losa and Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza)