Publication details [#4433]
Fabiszak, Małgorzata. 2001. The concept of 'joy' in Old and Middle English: A semantic analysis. Pila, Poland. 104 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
The book takes a cognitive approach to historical lexical semantics. Eight Old English words for JOY: 'bliss', 'blithe', 'dream', 'glaedness', 'gefea', 'liss', 'mirhth' and 'wynsumnes' undergo a collocational analysis based on the data from the Microfiche Concordance of Old English. A scenario for OE JOY is constructed and metaphors governing it singled out. These words are further investigated in the ME period (semasiological perspective) even if they seem to be falling out of the conceptual network, and new words borrowed into ME: 'cheer', 'delight', 'gainess', and 'joy' are introduced into the analysis (onomasiological perspective). The data for ME comes from a number of concordances, supplemented with literary texts. The scenario for JOY in ME is proposed and the two are correlated, differences identified and linked to the socio-cultural changes in the period. The universality of emotions claim does not find support in the study, probably due to the fact that linguistic analyses are conducted at a less abstract level than psychological theories. The social constructionist approach to emotions is tentatively confirmed. The research shows that emotions are intricately interwoven with the social structure and values of a given community, and reflect their understanding of the outside world.
(Malgorzata Fabiszak)