Publication details [#671]
Forceville, Charles J. 2010. Why and how study metaphor, metonymy, and other tropes in multimodal discourse? Cuenca : Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2010. 20 pp.
Publication type
Book – conference proceedings
Publication language
Forceville (1996) claims that a broader definition of metaphor should be put forward so as to account for non-verbal modalities of tropes. Thus, a metaphor establishes a relation of identity between two phenomena (a source and a target) belonging to different categories. Moreover, at least one aspect related to the source domain has to be mapped onto the target domain. Pictorial and multimodal metaphor has been extensively studied in connection with advertisements or political cartoons. In adverts, audiences are encouraged to find positive characteristics of the source domain whereas political cartoons usually create negative attitudes towards rules or states of affairs in the world. This study also draws our attention to other less common tropes, such as pictorial metonymy, oxymoron or hyperbole.