
Publication details [#7859]

Mellado Blanco, Carmen. 1999. Das bildliche Potential der deutschen Körperteilbezeichnungen: Eine historische Darstellung seit indogermanischer Zeit. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 109 (3, Sept) : 246–260. 15 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


The question of the primary vs. secondary nature of Indo-European body part designations is addressed, and the role of deverbal derivation in the latter case is illustrated. The role of meaning change and metaphorical and metonymic formations in body part name formation is noted, and several groups of such designations are differentiated according to their semantic motivation. A reverse process in which a figurative use of body part names produces a rich lexicon of nonanatomic designations is described. German body parts, in both general vocabulary and specialized anatomic terminology, borrowed or calqued from Latin or Greek, standardized regional-dialectal designations, and the occurrence of doublets are discussed. (Z. Dubiel in LLBA 2000, vol. 34, n. 3)