
Publication details [#8920]

Pollio, Howard R. 2002. Implicit double-function terms in Shakespeare's use of setting: A brief meta-metaphorical note. Metaphor and Symbol 17 (2) : 141–144. 4 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Could 'Macbeth' take place in Italy, the 'Taming of the Shrew' in Scotland? The psychological feeling of surprise, or even discomfort, that comes from considering Macbeth in Padua or Petruchio in Inverness would seem to arise from a source deeper than simply knowing where Shakespeare located his protagonists and the stories. For the Shakespearean audience, as for present-day audiences, tragedy seems naturally to belong to a certain locale just as surely as comedy belongs to another. Such relations between dramatic plot and geographical setting are not hard to understand, especially if we think about them in terms of double function term such as hot and cold and/or dark and sunny. (Howard R. Pollio)