
Publication details [#955]

Jerez Martínez, Isabel and Eduardo Encabo Fernández. 2010. ¿Qué hay en un nombre? La relación lenguaje-pensamiento y la función de signo lingüístico reflejados en los nombres propios creados y usados por Tolkien. Universidad de Vigo: Servizo de Publicacións.
Publication type
Book – conference proceedings
Publication language


The present proposal, which is not framed within Cognitive Linguistics, applies the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis to Tolkien’s fictional texts, and more particularly, to some of the names (e.g. Andúrin, Trancos, Arathorn, etc.) employed in his books. In line with the authors, it is through such names that Tolkien is able to create a very specific type of atmosphere where metaphor plays an essential role. By engaging in this kind of analysis, the aim of this article is to identify what lies underneath the choice of a name and whether a given name can become a metaphor through which readers understand Tolkien’s fictional world. This discussion leads to a final conclusion, i.e. language and mind are inseparable and it is language that determines our view of the world.