Publication details [#17872]
Grbić, Nadja and Sonja Pöllabauer. 2008. To count or not to count: scientometrics as a methodological tool for investigating research on translation and interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) 3 (1/2) : 87–146. ![DOI logo](
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Journal DOI
This paper discusses various different methods and tools of scientometrics, the way in which these can be used in translation and interpreting (T/I) studies and how T/I studies might benefit from such an approach. The authors outline both the potentials and pitfalls of such studies and discuss a number of different subjects of scientometric analysis. The paper also provides examples of scientometric research based on a small corpus of scientometric studies pertaining to T/I studies and pinpoints topics and subjects of research. The authors also explore, in a critical manner, the use (and abuse) of scientometric methods and the relationship between T/I studies and scientometrics. Special attention is paid to the way in which such methods can be combined with other (related) methods of social studies of science such as content analysis or network analysis.
Source : Publisher information