
Publication details [#10709]

Baker, Mona. 2005. Pragmatica della communicazione interculturale e false dicotomie in traduzione [The pragmatics of intercultural communication and false dichotomies in translation]. In Agorni, Mirella, ed. La traduzione: teorie e metodologie a confronto [Translation: theory opposed to methodology]. Milan: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto. pp. 69–82.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Edition info
Translated by Letizia Cirillo.


The author starts her article by giving a statement of Lawrence Venuti on the actual state of Translation Studies. She criticises his point of view and gives her own opinion on the relationship between linguistics and translation. She states that the study of linguistics has contributed to the actual form of Translation Studies. She also says that it is very important to consider theoretical developments in a larger environment and not only in their dichotomy between linguistics and culture, hermeneutics and instrumentality, aesthetics and formalisms etc.
Source : K. Foelen