
Publication details [#13614]

Gómez Castro, Cristina. 2006. ¿Traduzione Tradizione? El polisistema literario español durante la dictadura franquista: la censura [Traduzione Tradizione? The Spanish literary polysystem under Franco's dictatorship: the censorship mechanism]. In Monti, Enrico and Fabio Regattin, eds. Traduzione tradizione? Paths in the European literary polysystem. Special issue of Revue of Literatures of the European Union 4 URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Subject to external constraints that changed according to the period, the Spanish literary production has witnessed how new trends and ideas have permeated it. This influence has come most of the times thanks to the translation of works from other literary traditions. In this way, translated works have sometimes positioned themselves in a central place in the Spanish literary polysystem: the author's objective here is to show the role translations from narrative works originally written in English played in the development of the Spanish native production during the years that Franco’s dictatorship lasted (1939-1975). It will be seen how the cliché Traduzione Tradizione appears a truthful one in the development of the Spanish literary tradition.
Source : Based on abstract in journal