
Publication details [#13688]

León Pérez, Isabelle. 1998. Iniciación a la comprensión lectora de textos biomédicos [The first steps in understanding biomedical texts]. In Ramírez Jaime, Ana Sofía, ed. Actas de las I jornadas de jovenes traductores (1997. Las Palmas). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de las Palmas. pp. 57–68.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Medical English One, conceived as a course on translation, is a subject focused on training the student in reading a great amount of specialized medical literature in a fast and effective way, through the functional and communicative study of a number of representative texts. Excerpts from elementary anatomy, physiology and biochemistry textbooks, scientific medical press and research, and clinical practice literature have been chosen as the target in order to be analysed with regard to their semantic and syntactic features, especially if those are specific of EMP (English for Medical Purposes) and if they present any particular difficulty. The results lead to the believe that the understanding of what can be called generic features of biomedical English and the proposition of translation alternatives to them into Spanish seem to be the means for acquiring an appropriate translation and reading comprehension skill.
Source : Based on bitra