
Publication details [#19282]

Sorby, Stella. 2006. Translating news from English to Chinese: complimentary and derogatory language usage. In Bassnett, Susan and Kyle Conway, eds. Translation in global news. Coventry: University of Warwick. pp. 113–126.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


This paper focuses on the way in which Chinese lexicalises positively and negatively connoted words very differently from English. English words which may have a positive or negative connotation, depending on their context, are translated into Chinese with separate terms. These separate terms have fixed positive or negative overtones. Through some examples, this paper aims to analyse in what ways complimentary and derogatory word usage could result in translation gain and loss in news translations from English to Chinese. Although there are other important techniques involved in the news and news headline translations, such as grammar and syntax, this paper will only concentrate on the analysis of the lexical differences in terms of complimentary and derogatory usage between the ST and TT, and the possible reasons behind them.
Source : Based on abstract in book