Publication details [#23580]
Ye, Gu. 2009. Participation in translation communities: an alternative paradigm for translation education. Translation Studies in the New Millennium 7.
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Article in jnl/bk
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Whichever paradigm it adopts, it is vital for translation education to present learners with an authentic social context of translation activities. Schooling can hardly match social practice in terms of the complexity and authenticity of our lifeworld, which can best be experienced in communities. As people’s most natural way of life, community participation can be an alternative paradigm for translation education, with online or off-line translation communities booming worldwide. To illustrate this point, this paper examines the nature of translation communities (as communities of practice, organizations for knowledge management and platforms for authentic learning) and the unique advantages of community participation (e.g., meritocracy, mutual assessment, instant feedback) over other pedagogical modes (such as translation workshops). In conclusion, the author suggests that community participation is an emerging paradigm for translation education, whose multiparadigmatic nature necessitates dialogue and harmonization between different paradigms.
Source : Abstract in journal