
Publication details [#25668]

Cruz Romão, Tito Lívio. 2013. Fraseologias zoonímicas relativas a peixes, cetaceos e crustaceos: um estudo comparativo entre o português do brasil e o alemão [Zoonymic idioms regarding fish, cetaceans, and crustaceans: a comparative study between Brazilian Portuguese and German]. Cadernos de Tradução 32 (2) : 81–96. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


In the linguisticcultural universe of Brazilian Portuguese, there are many phraseologisms (idiomatic expressions, conventional expressions, proverbs, collocations etc.), whose imagetic tissue is composed of animal metaphors. In the same way, in the linguistic-cultural space of German-speaking countries there is an immense variety of phraseologisms that make use of zoonimic metaphors. When those metaphors are embedded in the group of presumedly universal animals for the Western countries, scarcely ever is it difficult to find corresponding idioms in both languages. In this case, it has to do with metaphors having their origin in Biblical passages, in Esop’s and La Fontaine’s fables etc. This papers deals with the analysis of several animalistic metaphors referring to fish, shellfish and cetaceans. The main aim of this article is to verify, based on different examples of popular and / or erudite variety of Brazilian idioms, the difficulty of intercultural translation that should be processed here. Besides the presentation of several examples in Brazilian Portuguese, the author will try to show a corresponding idiom in German for each example.
Source : Based on abstract in journal