Publication details [#30596]
d’Angelis, Antonella, Estefanía Flores Acuña and Francisco Núñez-Román, eds. 2016. Insights in Translation for Specific Purposes. Special issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 2 (1) 169 pp.
Publication type
Special issue
Publication language
community interpreting=public service interpreting | community translation | competence=skills | economic discourse=finance discourse=business discourse | equivalence=non-equivalence | language for special purposes=LSP | medical discourse=medical sciences=medicine | scientific discourse=scientific=science | technology=engineering | translator=translator's role=translator studies | voice=voices
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Journal DOI
This special edition includes the speeches presented in the 1st Virtual International Congress: Translation of Languages for Specific Purposes, held in March 2015. The first three papers are studies on the translation of texts that belong to the sphere of economy and finance (Serón-Ordóñez), science and technology (del Pino), chemistry and medicine (Gonzalo Claros). The articles by Núñez-Román and Flores Acuña relate to the instrumental sub-competence that should form part of the translation professional’s competence. In her article, Valero Garcés asks whether Translation and Interpreting in public services could be considered as translation for specific purposes. From the point of view of applied linguistics, Salguero-Lamillar analyses the notion of translation equivalence. Lastly, Ralarala investigates ‘transpreters’ voices’ and their translations of complainants’ narratives.
Source : Based on preface in journal
Articles in this volume
Serón Ordoñez, Inmaculada C. Financial translation, a neglected field: the case of the Key Investor Information document. 5–25
Pino Romero, Javier del. La traducción de términos de la ciencia y la técnica en la prensa española [The translation of scientific and technological terms in the Spanish press]. 26–48
Claros, M. Gonzalo. La traducción al español de los fármacos y de los compuestos químicos [Spanish translations for drugs and chemical compounds]. 49–65
Flores Acuña, Estefanía. Specialised bilingual and multilingual Italian/Spanish lexicography and specialised translation teaching. 66–91
Núñez-Román, Francisco. Translating phraseology: techniques and tools. An Italian/Spanish review. 106–123
Salguero-Lamillar, Francisco J. Cognition and metaphor as bases for the Principle of translatability and the Principle of synonymy. 124–141