
Publication details [#32419]

Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Rather than providing a unifying framework for its diverse theoretical and methodological applications, this paper attempts to explore the territory of narrative by tracking the routes of a number of germinal core-constructs that have spread across disciplines and fields of activity. Taking migration and migration policy models as an “air-view map”, the first leg of the journey follows along the paths of multiculturalism, interculturality and transculturality, discussing the socio-political implications of these conceptual approaches and their repercussions on the provision of translation and interpreting services. Subsequently, the epistemological construct of narrative is observed from the vantage point of socio-narrative theory as applied to translation and interpreting studies, with a specific focus on the identity-construction dynamics that emerge when mediating migrants’ personal stories that clash with public (institutionally acceptable) narratives. The paper wanders through the theoretical domains of positioning, voice, empathy and media cross-genre recontextualization practices.
Source : Based on abstract in journal