Publication details [#43936]
Luque Colmenero, María Olalla. 2021. «Como si sus ojos fueran soles»: la marcación de la metáfora en la audiodescripción de arte para personas ciegas y con baja visión [«As if her eyes were suns»: the marking of metaphor in audio description of art for blind and partially sighted people]. In Peña Martín, Salvador, ed. TRANS al cabo de veinticinco años [TRANS after twenty-five years]. Special issue of Trans. Revista de Traductología 25 (9): 333–347.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
More and more museums are using audio description to facilitate access for blind and partially sighted visitors. There are several tools to rephrase the images depicted in art and translate them into speech. This article focuses on deliberate metaphor, a tool the audio describer consciously uses by comparing the unfamiliar visual element with the familiar experience, usually with a «marker» that catches the attention of the receiver, such as like or similar to. It helps to create a mental image through their knowledge of the world.
Source : Abstract in article