Publication details [#49321]
Wang, Haixia and Wei Zhang (张威). 2018. 胡适实用主义翻译思想对中国文学现代性的影响 [Hu Shi’s Pragmatic Translation Thought and its Significance for Modern Chinese Literature]. Foreign Language Education (外语教学) 39 (4) : 70–74. 
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Pragmatism is the ideological origin of Hu Shi’s translation thought. The prominent constituents of pragmatism, like its evolutionist view, experimentation, emphasis on the final resolution of a problem, and the instrumentalism of John Dewey, are all present in Hu’s translation activities. Hu holds the view that Western literature is far more advanced than Chinese literature, and vernacular Chinese far more advanced than classical Chinese. In order to learn from Western literature, in his pioneering practice of translation and emulation, Hu uses vernacular Chinese as a tool and the starting point of the Literary Revolution, and contributes to modern Chinese literature in developing vernacular poetry by liberating both its language and form, introducing short stories as a new genre and facilitating modern realistic Chinese straight play.
Source : Based on abstract in journal