Publication details [#54701]
Li, Dechao (李德超). 2021. PBL在翻译教学中的应用: 挑战与对策 [Applying Problem-based Learning to Translation Classrooms: challenges and solutions]. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching (山东外语教学) 42 (6) : 101–111.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational philosophy which advocates that learning should be driven by authentic problems. The application of PBL to translation classrooms should meet the following criteria, including the facilitation of student-centered learning, the promotion of students’ learning efficiency and the provision of external resources for such learning. To understand the challenges of applying PBL to translation teaching in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, a large scale questionnaire survey has been conducted about the status quo of teaching and learning of translation in the universities in these areas. Survey results have identified three existing issues in the current translation classrooms: (1) translation teachers do not have enough confidence in students’ ability for conducting self-directed learning by themselves due to a shortage of external resources; (2) opportunities for students’ cooperative learning are insufficient because teachers find it difficult to manage the classroom effectively with this mode of learning; (3) authentic translation problems are not frequently adopted in translation classes. To apply PBL to translation classroom effectively in these areas, it is suggested that translation teachers should facilitate students’ self-directed learning and master the skills for managing cooperative learning in the classroom in order to promote the efficiency of learning. In addition, translation teachers are also advised to familiarize themselves with the philosophy of PBL used in the context of translation and prepare teaching guidelines to help establish student-centered learning environment in the classroom. Translation teachers are also reminded to actively engage in real-life translation practices to know more about authentic translation problems which can be adopted in their problem-based translation teaching and learning.
Source : Based on abstract in journal
Problem-based learning(简称PBL)是一种基于问题的学习理念,主张用现实中的真实问题来驱动学习.在教学中应用PBL需满足以下三个条件:构建"以学生为中心"的教学主张,提升学生自主和合作学习的效率,提供学习所用的外部资源.为把PBL应用于翻译课堂,我们通过问卷调查法,对内地和香港多所高校翻译课堂教学的情况进行了初步调查,结果显示目前翻译课堂教学普遍存在以下问题:(1)教师对学生自主学习能力的评价较低,信心不足,课外资源使用机会较少;(2)小组合作机会不多,而问题较多,课堂管理难度较大;(3)真实的翻译问题使用频率较低.因此,为有效实施PBL翻译教学,教师要加强对学生自主学习的指导,学习管理小组合作的技巧,提高学生的学习效率;教师也要学习PBL翻译教学理念,制定教学细则,帮助学生成为学习的中心;教师还要积极参加翻译实践,熟悉真实的翻译问题,并将之用于课堂教学.