
Publication details [#55776]

Puică, Gina. 2023. Modernité, antimodernité, littérature: présence d’Antoine Compagnon en Roumanie (traductions, exégèses, critiques) [Modernity, antimodernity, literature: presence of Antoine Compagnon in Romania (translations, exegeses, critiques)]. In Hăisan, Daniela and Raluca-Nicoleta Balatchi, eds. Iconotexte et traduction [Iconotext and translation]. Special issue of Atelier de Traduction 39-40: 249–259. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject


The article reviews the Romanian translations of Compagnon's works to date, with particular emphasis on the reception of anti-modernist theory in Romania. In addition to the translations that have been produced, the article also takes into account the work of a number of Romanian authors involved in the analysis of Compagnon's thinking.
Source : Based on abstract in article