
Publication details [#55797]

Lesage, Sylvain. 2011. Astérix, phénomène éditorial: du succès de librairie à la modernisation du marché de la bande dessinée en France [Asterix, a Publishing Phenomenon: from commercial success to the modernisation of the comics market in France].
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Title as subject


After modest beginnings, the success of Asterix marks the entry into a new era of comics publishing. This article will examine Asterix as a publishing phenomenon which has acted as a real dynamo for the comics sector, prompting the modernisation of the comics market in France and having a direct effect on the international expansion of the series. The sale of albums, which was deemed marginal up to then, has become the core activity of publishers. First a niche market, it has evolved into an industrial one. The commercial success of Asterix also drew the attention of publishers abroad. However, though Asterix turned the French album market into reality and was well received abroad, two countries, Japan and the United States, have remained indifferent to the stories, a specificity the origin of which certainly lies in the fact that their market is structured around periodicals.
Source : Based on publisher information