Publication details [#56859]
Hu, Guangquan (胡光全), Falian Zhang (张法连) and Xilin Guo (高茜琳). 2023. 中国行政区划名称的英译研究 [A Study of the English Translation of the Names of Administrative Divisions of the People’s Republic of China]. Foreign Language and Literature (外国语文) 39 (2) : 1–12. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Title as subject
Journal WWW
The names of administrative divisions of the People’s Republic of China have their own characteristics and reflect the unique administrative division method of China. Under the guidance of text typology theory and static equivalent translation strategy, this paper conducts a comparative study on the translation of the names of the four levels of administrative divisions in China through quantitative statistical analysis methods based on authoritative dictionaries such as the Black's Law Dictionary, aiming to standardize the English translation of the names of administrative divisions in China.
Source : Based on abstract in journal