
Publication details [#57539]

Bu, Zhanting (布占廷) and Yajing Wu (吴亚静). 2022. 中华学术外译翻译语言选择研究 [Target Language Choices in Government Funded Programs of Translating Chinese Academic Works]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 7 (1) : 70–88. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


Target language choice is a key factor in the government funded programs of translating Chinese academic works. During the ten years from 2010 to 2019, a total of 1,026 projects were funded, covering 21 target languages. This study finds that there are three development stages and four groups of target languages, which are mainly influenced by national development strategy, outbound translation policy, and fund applicants’ choices. The distribution of target languages is extremely uneven. For example, there have been few translation projects into Spanish and none into Italian or Portuguese, etc. The causes include the lack of high caliber translators, the uneven availability of foreign language programs in universities, and inadequacies in traditional translator training. This article proposes that the government funding agencies should consider the choice of target languages for improving the pertinence and effectiveness of outbound translations, and improve translator training programs.
Source : Abstract in journal


语言选择是事关国家社科基金中华学术外译项目翻译及传播成败的关 键因素。2010—2019 年,国家社科基金关于外译项目共立项1,026 项, 涵盖21 种语言,呈现出三个阶段、四个板块的特点,其成因主要有国 家发展战略、外译项目政策和申请者主体选择等。同时,立项文版分布 极不均衡,西班牙文等立项数量偏少,而意大利文、葡萄牙文等世界上 的重要语言至今尚未立项,究其原因主要有高端学术外译人才匮乏、外 语专业布局不够合理、传统培养模式偏颇等。本文提出应该科学规划外 译文版,提升外译的针对性和有效性;创新培养机制,采用多元翻译模 式;优化文版布局,完善翻译人才培养体系,从而更好实现外译项目 宗旨。