
Publication details [#57579]

Wang, Yating (王娅婷) and Quangong Feng (冯全功). 2024. 从汉代到宋代佛经翻译赞助人的演变研究 [A Study on the Evolution of Sponsors for the Translation of Buddhist Scriptures from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty]. Foreign Languages Research (外语研究) 41 (3) : 74–82. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The translation of Buddhist scriptures, which has lasted for over 10 centuries, has had a profound impact on Chinese culture, which is closely related to the power of sponsors of Buddhist scripture translation. According to the evolution of sponsors of Buddhist scripture translation, the translation of Buddhist scriptures from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty can be roughly divided into three stages: individual spontaneous Buddhist scripture translation, Buddhist scripture translation sponsored by scholars, and Buddhist scripture translation sponsored by the state. The evolution of sponsors has ensured the material foundation of Buddhist scripture translation, and the scale, process, and quantity of translations have steadily developed, promoting the localization and widespread dissemination of Buddhism in China.
Source : Abstract in journal

