Publication details [#58025]
Zeng, Xianghong (曾祥宏) and Jianling Zou (邹建玲). 2022. 科技论文英文摘要的人际意义提升: 以人称代词we为例 [Enhancing the Interpersonal Meaning of English Abstracts in Scientific Papers: a case study of personal pronouns ‘we’]. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal (中国科技翻译) 35 (3) : 49–52. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This study uses abstracts from authoritative journals in the field of physics at home and abroad as corpus to examine the use of the first person pronoun “we” in Chinese and English abstracts. The results show that the frequency of using “we” in Chinese abstracts is significantly lower than that of using "we" in English translated abstracts. Research has found that the personal pronoun ‘we’ has positive interpersonal significance in building the academic identity of researchers, strengthening interaction with readers, highlighting innovative points and values, and gaining recognition from the academic community.
Source : Based on abstract in journal