
Publication details [#58034]

Cao, Xinyu (曹馨予) and Chenyun Xu (徐晨韵). 2022. 植物生理学英语词句特征及翻译研究 [Research on the Characteristics and Translation of English Words and Phrases in Plant Physiology]. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal (中国科技翻译) 35 (4) : 17–20. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language


The international exchange of biology involves a large number of specialized English words and phrases in plant physiology. This study combines a vast professional English corpus and analyzes the vocabulary and syntactic features of English related to plant physiology through case studies, proposing relevant translation strategies to improve the accuracy of translation and promote international communication and cooperation.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

