
Publication details [#58080]

Ren, Qingmei (任清梅) and Tomoyuki Tanaka (田中智行). 2021. 《金瓶梅》的魅力: 日本汉学家、《金瓶梅》译者田中智行先生访谈录 [The Charm of Jin Ping Mei: an interview with Dr. Tanaka Tomoyuki]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 6 (1) : 153–163. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


Dr. Tanaka Tomoyuki is a Japanese Sinologist and has translated Jin Ping Mei, a Chinese classic novel, into Japanese. In this interview, he talked about the spread of Chinese classical literature in Japan (mainly Jin Ping Mei), and discussed the acceptance status of Chinese classical literature in modern Japan, the motivation for the translation and the charm of Jin Ping Mei, and his strategies for translating Jin Ping Mei.
Source : Abstract in journal

