Publication details [#58081]
Qi, Lintao (齐林涛) and Moss Roberts. 2020. 中国典籍翻译: 文本、副文本与语境 [Classical Chinese Literature in Translation: texts, paratexts, and contexts]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 5 (2) : 1–6. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Translation Studies (TS) is all about texts, but no study in translation is purely about texts. Paradoxical? The answer to this question depends largely on the definition of the term 'text', which has grown more and more sophisticated, with the introduction of a somewhat bewildering array of derivative terms all sharing the same root-text: co-text, context, intertext, extratext, paratext, to name a few. TS is all about texts, as there are always texts involved across the spectrum of translation activities, the most essential ones being the source text and the target text. As a disciplinary convention, even when a theatrical performance or a movie is the subject of examination, they are still referred to as a text—a multimodal text. Taxonomy is a fundamental step for any scientific research.
Source : Based on abstract in journal