
Publication details [#58082]

Hsiung, Ann-Marie. 2020. 目标导向文本和副文本: 《西厢记》三个重译本比较研究 [Purpose-driven Texts and Paratexts: a comparative study of three retranslations of Xixiang Ji]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 5 (2) : 7–25. URL


Ranked among the top three classics of world drama, Xixiang Ji 西厢记 is translated more than any other plays from China for its canonic status. This article examines three significant English translations. From the U.S., there is The Story of the Western Wing (1995) by prominent Western sinologists Stephen H. West and Wilt L. Idema. From China, there is the Romance of the Western Bower (2000/2008) by leading literary translator Xu Yuanchong. Finally, from Singapore, and arguably the first intersemiotic translation for stage performance, there is The West Wing: A Renaissance Production with Modern Music and Dance (2008a) by Grant Shen. On the basis of previous translations, these retranslators promote the particular values of the drama that they cherish, as evident in their texts, paratexts, and ST choice. West-Idema’s emphasis on scholarly semantic correspondence disregards the original need for stage performance. Xu’s effort in trumpeting the elegance of Chinese classics divorces his rendition from the colloquial and vigorous zaju tradition of ST. Last but not least, Shen’s imitation of ST musicality and his catering for audience taste result in distortions to the stage script. This study, by critically comparing and contrasting these three retranslations via the interrelation between their texts and functional paratexts, hopes to help reveal the drama’s richness and nuances that have been missed or suppressed by any one rendition.
Source : Based on abstract in journal


《西厢记》名列世界三大古典名剧之一(Xu,2008,p.26),其经典地位吸引了众多的译者,令其他中国戏曲作品望尘莫及。本文将分析近二十多年来三个重要的英译本,分别是美国屈指可数的汉学家奚如谷和伊维德合译的The Story of the Western Wing(1995)、中国文学翻译巨匠许渊冲翻译的Romance of the Western Bower(2000/2008)和任教新加坡的戏剧导演沈广仁翻译的The West Wing:A Renaissance Production with Modern Music and Dance(2008a)。第三本译作可以说是舞台表演的第一部符际翻译作品。这四位重译者在原来翻译的基础上弘扬了这本戏剧的特定价值观,这在他们文本、副文本以及源文本选择上表现得淋漓尽致。奚如谷和伊维德在翻译过程中强调语义对等,忽视了原文的舞台目的。许渊冲在翻译过程中努力传达中国古典文学的典雅,背离了原文杂剧典型的口语化特征。沈广仁译本模仿原著的音乐性,迎合观众口味,造成舞台剧本语言失真。本文批判性地分析对比《西厢记》三个重译本及其功能性副文本之间的内在关联,希望此类研究能够有助于揭示单一重译本可能遗漏或忽略的原文之丰富内涵和含蓄表达。