
Publication details [#58336]

Makowska, Aleksandra Beata. 2024. Terminology and Phraseology in Research Papers in the Domains of New Technologies (Łódź Studies in Language 73). Bern: Peter Lang. 350 pp.
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ISBN hardcover: 9783631873205 ISBN PDF: 9783631910665 ISBN ePUB: 9783631910672


This book focuses on scientific terminology and phraseology in research papers in the domains of new technologies which remain to be highly specialized means of communicating. It approaches scientific communication both from the theoretical and practical perspective with the use of corpus linguistics methodology. The current study is a holistic and comprehensive approach to message construction starting from the macrostructure of a research paper, via terminology and phraseology, ending with the pragmatic aspects, all of which contribute to communicating research results. The book will be an indispensable aid for language researchers and translators as well as anyone interested in scientific communication, particularly in technical and empirical domains.
Source : Publisher information