Publication details [#58690]
Guo, Liangliang (郭靓靓) and Yun Wu (吴赟). 2024. 建党译者群体: 行为、 身份与思想 [CPC-founding Translators: behaviours, identities, and thoughts]. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
Journal WWW
CPC-founding translators are the group engaging in relevant translation activities during the period between 1920 and July 1921. They exhibited universal truth-seeking at the fundamental level, complemented by utility-attaining, as they pioneered translated discourses and delineated boundaries between translating and writing in a varied typology of translations whose originals were selected out of realistic aims. They were unconventional intellectuals born in Central and Eastern China, and most were members of early CPC’s Shanghai and Beijing organisations. Guided by their translation motive and competence, their translation behaviours were normalised by professional identity and organisational affiliation. They upheld the belief of translation as ideological work for the founding of CPC and emphasised its ideological and political nature, which mainly spawned from translation thoughts of Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu as well as the translators’ embodied cognition.
Source : Abstract in journal