
Publication details [#58693]

Wen, Ying (文莹), Yan Liu (刘岩) and Ling Yang (杨玲). 2023. 中华文化“走出去”翻译研究的知识图景与发展前瞻: 以国家社会科学基金项目的知识图谱分析为例 [Sketch of knowledge and development prospects of translation studies under the background of Chinese culture “going-out” using the National Social Science Fund of China as data sources]. In Wen, Xu (文旭), ed. 语言、翻译与认知: 第六辑 [Studies in Language, Translation & Cognition: vol. 6]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. pp. 78–95. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) is a program that reflects the prevailing trends in philosophy and social sciences in China and highlights the highest level of national science programs. In the context of Chinese culture “going out”, this paper takes the project database of NSSFC as the data source and self-builds a database. In addition, CiteSpace, a bibliometric tool, is used to analyze the time distribution, author and institution network, keyword co-occurrence, keyword emergence, and clustering of translation research results of NSSFC projects since the 21st century. Thus, the development stage, research characteristics, research hotspots, and research trends of the translation research projects of NSSFC are intuitively displayed. Initially, since the 21st century, the general trend of translation research of NSSFC projects has been increasing, with English translation as the main research object, mainly in the language discipline and general projects, and the majority of project moderators are senior experts. Secondly, the characteristics of translation research are obvious; admittedly, the research focus and direction are gradually diversified. Thirdly, some scholars and universities are still the main sponsors of translation research projects of NSSFC, and some eminent universities have obvious advantages in this field. Finally, “English”, “external communication”, and “the translation of Chinese literature” were hot topics of translation research projects of NSSFC. This study holds that the translation research space of NSSFC needs to be expanded; at the same time, this study aims to provide data reference and research inspiration for the research on translation-related issues and topic selection direction.
Source : Based on abstract in book