Publication details [#58726]
Tan, Wei (谭玮) and Kaikai Zou (邹恺凯). 2023. 生态翻译学视域下电影《百鸟朝凤》的字幕翻译研究 [Study on Translation of Film Subtitles in The Song of Phoenix from the Eco-translatological Perspective]. Journal of Changchun University (长春大学学报) 33 (1) : 60–64. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Title as subject
Films are the powerful carriers of Chinese culture going abroad. A lot of scholars have studied film subtitle translation from the perspective of the three-dimensional transformation of eco-translatology, but there are few studies on the movie The Song of Phoenix. Therefore, based on the perspective of three-dimensional transformation of eco-translatology, this paper, taking the subtitles translation of this movie as a case, summarizes the characteristics and difficult points and uses the translation strategies, methods, and techniques, including domestication, free translation, and shift, to analyze the subtitles translation of this film, hoping to promote the foreign exchange and spread of Chinese culture.
Source : Based on abstract in journal